Research Interests

X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) of Fe and S Species

I started my postdoctoral work at the University of Saskatchewan by analyzing previously collected data from the SXRMB beamline at the Canadian Light Source (CLS). The data included standards and real samples with both Fe and S K-edge XAS measurements. Using Linear Combination Fitting (LCF), one can determine what standards constitute the measured samples. Fe-XAS has an interesting pre-edge feature that can give a lot of information on the coordination environment of Fe atoms.

Fe standards pre-edge XAS feature
Pre-edge feature of Fe standards. Dotted line at 7113 eV separates the pre-edge features of Fe(II) and Fe(III).

Fitting this pre-edge feature allows determining the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio:

Graph showing Pre-edge peak in Fe K-edge XAS
An example of fitted Fe K-edge pre-edge feature using a gaussian peak.

Here is a closer look at another fitted pre-edge feature:

A fitted pre-edge peak in Fe K-edge XAS
A fitted pre-edge peak in Fe K-edge XAS: the pre-edge can be described using two gaussian peaks. The red peak corresponds to Fe(III) and the green one is for Fe(II)